Public Service Operational Delivery Officer Level 3

Public Service Operational Delivery Officer     Level 3     Typical Duration: 18 Months

Work in local and central government to ensure the public gets the services and protection they need

An operational delivery officer makes sure that citizens get the services and protection they need, and help people understand what is available and what they need to do to comply with the rules. As an apprentice, you’ll be able to do one of hundreds of jobs in most departments and agencies in central government, as well as in local government, delivering services for towns, cities, boroughs and counties. You’ll deal with different types of customers, delivering a range of public services, but the skills and behaviours you need will be the same whatever you do. Operational delivery officers also bring data and evidence together, making sure it is correct. You may also be considering applications, analysing information and making decisions.

Delivery is a blend of:

  • Online content supporting the development of relevant knowledge, behaviours and skills, set by the standard
  • Workshops and live content to underpin the e-learning resources
  • Review meetings with the tutor and manager

Over the course of the apprenticeship, students build an electronic portfolio of evidence that showcases their knowledge, skills and behaviours. If apprentices do not already have Maths and English at level 2 or above, students will also study these as part of the apprenticeship standard. After a minimum of 12 months, when apprentices have completed their portfolio and are meeting the standard required, they progress to the final End Point Assessment (EPA)


People of all ages and educational backgrounds can become apprentices, but there are some restrictions, the most important of which are:

  • The employer and the training provider must ascertain that the apprenticeship will allow the individual to gain substantive new skills. The training therefore needs to be materially different from any prior qualification or previous apprenticeship;
  • The period of teaching and learning must be at least 12 months and, during this time, apprentices are expected to spend at least 6 hours a week of their time in “off the job” training. This must be part of their contracted working hours.
  • Before the learner commences their apprenticeship standard, a functional skills initial assessment in English and Maths will be taken to match the appropriate standard and level.
  • An assessment of their recognised prior learning will also take place.

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